Welcome to Holistic Health and Well-Being

I am passionate about my work as a Paediatrician and I find great purpose and energy in supporting my patients. However, I felt limited in providing the flexible individualised care that I aspire to offer. This inspired me to develop a specialised range of services and create this website, enabling me to better meet my patients needs. My mission is to provide consistent, frequent and flexible coaching to help maximise your child’s potential, prevent illness and enhance overall well-being. I care about empowering families with knowledge to help children stay healthy.

The comprehensive 5 step program, MENDS - is designed to address key domains of your child’s health. I want the focus to be on improving health, not just treating disease.

Introducing 5 pillars, called M.E.N.D.S.

  1. Movement

  2. Environment

  3. Nurture

  4. Diet

  5. Sleep

This programme is designed to offer personalised lifestyle and wellness consultations with a focus on preventative care, that places your child at the centre of care. By prioritising frequent monitoring and accountability partnership, we can address the underlying causes of some symptoms and reduce reliance on immediate pharmacological solutions. Lot of the cases I see in my clinics are lifestyle illnesses, modifiable with different choices. Small swaps that can have big impacts. In many situations, the body can and is meant to heal itself, if given the right environment and circumstances.

Why invest in your child’s health?

The environment our children are growing up in, is getting more and more toxic. From the Ultra processed foods being eaten to the social media messaging flooding young minds so repeatedly.

Investing in your child’s health now, particularly between the ages of 0-8 years, is crucial for establishing positive behaviours that support lifelong wellness. It is never too late to start, even as an adult. Rapid societal changes are impacting our physiology and the human body struggles to keep up. Making it even more essential to focus on prevention and early intervention. Addressing health concerns such as rising cancer rates, metabolic syndromes, mental health issues, autoimmune diseases and childhood obesity is more important than ever. The trajectory of these diseases can be altered by habits laid down in childhood.

Poor health and wellbeing seem inevitable in today’s world. When I was growing up, the risk of cancer was 1 in 5, now it is 1 in 2!

*Reference BJC 2015 Ahmad et al

Let us work together

Join me in redefining healthcare with a focus on prevention, early intervention and a holistic approach. Together, we can ensure a bright, healthy future for our children. I look forward to working with you and your family on this journey towards optimal health and well -being.

My Approach

We are advised to see a dentist every 6 months to focus on prevention. Why not the same with our mind and our body health?

I would start with a free 15 minute virtual or phone consultation. Followed by a home visit if beneficial ( within certain postcodes of South West London and as travel time allows!). Look at your child’s or young person’s physical environment, the place where they eat, sleep and play. Go through your routine, your community life and your priorities, to create a bespoke healthcare plan for your family.

You can book individual consultations or a block of sessions. It would be more economical to become a member where you have access to me for the whole duration of the membership whenever you need some friendly, professional advice.

Membership can be for as brief as 4 weeks to as long as you need the support.