Safeguard your Child’s Future Health

Focus on Wellness and Illness Prevention

Dr. Monica Gupta

Welcome to Paediatric Holistic Health.

I am a General Paediatrician, specialising in Lifestyle Medicine, with an interest in Dietary Health. Experienced in Adolescent Mental Health, Holistic and Preventative Medicine.

I have worked as a Paediatrician with over 27 years’ experience within the NHS. My mission is to provide comprehensive and flexible health coaching support to help maximise your child’s potential, prevent illness and enhance overall well-being.

Why wait until something goes wrong?

Be proactive about your child’s health. The choices we make today shape our future well-being.  Let us prioritise improving well being in infancy when we have the influence to lay down life long good habits.

What is Holism and Holistic Health?

“Holism is more about relatedness rather than separation, taking a broader view rather than reducing individuals to disease labels. A holistic approach recognises that out relationships, our culture, our diet, our immediate and global environment all profoundly affect our health and well-being”

Holistic Health is an approach to wellness that simultaneously addresses the physical, mental, emotional and social aspects of human well-being.

I have developed a comprehensive 5 step program, MENDS, designed to address all aspects of your child’s well-being.

Introducing the 5 pillars

  1. Movement

  2. Environment

  3. Nurture

  4. Diet

  5. Sleep

Early intervention REALLY does makes a huge difference!

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1:1 Family Health Coaching

Experience a personalised program designed to transform your lifestyle over a minimum of 4 weeks, focusing on nutrition, gut health, and holistic well-being. Understand how to optimise your immune system, mental health, and address common ailments by addressing key lifestyle factors including movement, environment, sleep hygiene, and community connections.

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Virtual Consultations

Virtual one to one, medical or health coaching consultations.

Face to face in your own home can also be possible.

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Group Workshops

Interactive small group workshops, covering my 5 domains. Where you will take away practical tips and begin your own wellness journey following an overview of the key pillars of movement, environment, nurture, diet and sleep.

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5 Domains - ( M E N D S )

Movement /Nature

The value of learning through play and being active. Spending time out in the fresh air with nature, exploring our natural world and its beauty.


Childhood adverse events are known to have significant adult morbidity.

Inflate your child's inner self-esteem balloon. Give specific praise and try to praise more than you criticise.

Nurture ourselves and those we look after

Self care, equally important to apply oxygen mask to yourself first, to allow you the energy to care for another. Acknowledge your child's big emotions, they are trying to tell you something.

Connect before you re-direct.

Diet and Nutrition

What we choose to eat is the single most important decision we make that will impact on our future health. Make the plate of food as colourful as possible. Eat locally sourced, seasonal and real food whenever possible.

Sleep/Social media/Screens

Sleep is vital. It is when our bodies heal, regenerate, repair and detoxify. In children, it is when growth hormone is released. Lack of good quality sleep will impact every cell of a child’s body and their ability to focus and concentrate at school.