Help Prevent Illness and Focus on Wellness

Safeguard your Child's Future Health

Dr. Monica Gupta

General Paediatrician, specialising in Lifestyle medicine, with an interest in dietary health, Ambulatory care, and Nephrology. Lead for adolescent mental health, holistic and preventative medicine.

Why wait until something goes wrong before going to see a doctor, why not be mindful that the choices we make today will have an impact on our future health.  Let us focus on creating health, not just treating diseases when it happen. If there are symptoms, I will help work through those with you. That is already my current day job, but I will apply a holistic approach to healing and wellbeing as well as advising on current best medical practices on how we may prevent symptoms for the future.

A lot of the cases I now see in my clinics are lifestyle illnesses, modifiable with different lifestyle choices. Small swaps that can have big impacts. The air we breathe, the food we eat and the information we are continuously pouring into our minds. Sleep deprivation has already had a significant negative effect on our children's mental and physical health and our own. It was not this widespread when I first started my training, back in the 90s.

In many situations, the body can, and is meant to, heal itself if given the right environment and circumstances. There is no need to rely on chemicals or medication all the time for some conditions. I want to help my patients achieve health and well-being by going back to basics.

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1:1 Family Health Coaching

Discover a personalised program designed to transform your lifestyle over a minimum of 4 weeks, focusing on nutrition, gut health, and holistic well-being. Understand how to optimise your immune system, mental health, and address common ailments by addressing key lifestyle factors including movement, environment, sleep hygiene, and community connections.

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Virtual Consultations

I am able to carry out virtual medical or health coaching consultations. However, face to face in your own home for the first session is ideal; especially if a physical examination is required.

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Group Workshops

I am happy to deliver interactive small group workshops covering my 5 domains. Where you will take away practical tips and begin your own wellness journey following an overview of the key pillars of movement, environment, nurture, diet and sleep.

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Are you a parent or carer of young children or teenagers?

Are you concerned about how much screen time your child is having, or wondering how to make them eat more vegetables, sleep better or have a healthier lifestyle?

Are you worried about symptoms like constant tummy pain, headaches, mood swings, tiredness and fatigue that stops them from enjoying their childhood?

Get in touch! This may be the best investment you will make in your childs future health.

I will provide health coaching and be your accountability coach to help break a habit or create a good new one!

If you are looking for a paediatrician who understands the importance of holistic care, I invite you to consider working with me. Let us focusing on your Childs health. This will not be a cost but an investment to ensure a future as independent from disease as possible, by being mindful of our lifestyle choices.

I strongly believe in preventative medicine. If I can help prevent future ill health for our current and next generation, reduce future healthcare need, improve well-being whilst not giving out unnecessary medication would be my job well done. There is so much we can do that will benefit our children’s health outcomes if only information and appropriate resources were readily available to all. Early intervention makes a difference.

To make any change permanent, we need consistency. It takes 28 days to create or break a habit. I offer weekly subscription for a minimum of 4 weeks to embed any change.

I will be your health accountability partner. I will help you trouble shoot your child’s symptoms. Guide you through early infancy, toddler feeding issues, preschool worries about potty training or bed wetting, sleep and weight concerns in the older child to give some examples.

What do I Get for my subscription?

A weekly subscription service where you will have direct access to a paediatrician for the duration of the membership. No waiting for appointment with your GP. It will include one 15 minute consultations per week within the membership.

You will get priority access to book an appointment to see me or arrange a home visit.

When you do book an appointment, they will all be at 50% less cost for any type of consultation within the membership period. Appointments can also be booked as a stand alone consultation for 45 or 60 minutes, if and whenever you need them. Membership offers these consultations at half the standard cost.

You have access to me via appointment, on my non NHS days ( 3.5 days per week) from 10am to 8pm and 9-5pm at weekends.

If your concerns are urgent please seek medical attention through the routine channels of attending an accident and emergency centre or your GP. I am not currently able to offer any investigations, such as blood tests, X-rays, vaccinations or scans, but intend to do in the future. I am not registered with private insurance providers.

You can cancel anytime after a minimum period of 4 weeks and rejoin anytime for a minimum of 4 weeks .

5 Domains - ( M E N D S )

Movement /Nature

The value of learning through play, being active and out in the fresh air. 


Inflate your child's inner self-esteem balloon. Give specific praise and ensure the praise to criticism ratio is at least 5:1. How much face-to-face human contact does your child have with other children and their community?

Nurture ourselves and those we look after

Acknowledge your child's big emotions, they are trying to tell you something. Allow them to be SEEN, HEARD and UNDERSTOOD. Connect before you re-direct. Listen to your own body too. Self care, equally important to apply oxygen mask to yourself first to allow you the energy to care for another.

Diet and Nutrition

What we choose to eat is the single most important decision we make that will impact on our future health. Make the plate of food as colourful as possible. Eat locally sourced, seasonal and real food whenever possible.

Sleep/Social media/Screens

Sleep is when our bodies heal, regenerate, repair and detoxify. In children, it is when growth hormone is released. Lack of good quality sleep will impact every cell of our body and impact our ability to focus and concentrate at school.